【データ版】ポーズ写真集 狩衣編
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靖国神社などで奉納演舞もされる古武術の流派、天心流兵法のまーこさんのポーズ写真集狩衣編です。 狩衣は生地から選び高襟仕立の物で、刀含めすべてまーこさんの私物を使用しています。 様々な着方でポーズをまとめたので、デッサン・クロッキーや絵のちょっとした資料としてもお使いいただけます。 ※写真の二次配布・二次利用は禁止です ・収録枚数46枚 ・形式:PDF ,jpeg(zip) スマホ、タブレット、PC、デバイス問わず見ていただけます。 ・容量45.6MB online photo book -Kariginu- of Ma-ko(まーこ) who is a member of Tenshin-ryū hyou-hō.(Traditional Martial Arts which was created by Master Tokizawa Yahei about 400 years ago.) Kariginu(狩衣) is informal clothes worn by the nobilities from the Heian period onwards You can have fun with this online photo book as a material for drawing, sketch and so on. ※Reproducing or copying this, in whole or in part, is prohibited
・形式:PDF ,jpeg(zip)
online photo book -Kariginu- of Ma-ko(まーこ) who is a member of Tenshin-ryū hyou-hō.(Traditional Martial Arts which was created by Master Tokizawa Yahei about 400 years ago.)
Kariginu(狩衣) is informal clothes worn by the nobilities from the Heian period onwards
You can have fun with this online photo book as a material for drawing, sketch and so on.
※Reproducing or copying this, in whole or in part, is prohibited